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All standard Widget classes


  • Text

    Text widget, generally used to display plain text

  • Image

    Image widget, generally used to display normal still image

  • Label

    Label widget, which is generally used to display key information

  • Button

    Button widget, typically used to trigger a function

  • Switch

    Switch widget, typically used to control the turning of a function on and off

  • InputBox

    Input box widget, generally used to enter certain information on a single line

  • CheckBox

    Checkbox button widget, generally used to check some options

  • ToggleButton

    A button that can display information and switch statuses

  • RadioBox

    Radio button widget, generally used to select one of several options

  • ProgressBar

    Progress bar widget, typically used to show the progress of an event

  • UnderlineButton

    Underline button, generally used to display web links

  • HighlightButton

    Highlight button, no outline, which added a highlight effect

  • IconButton

    A button with an icon on the left side

  • Slider

    A slider for visually resizing values

  • SegmentedButton

    A segmented button that can be used to toggle between multiple states

  • SpinBox

    A widget that makes it easy to enter numeric type data

  • OptionButton

    A button that has many options to choose

  • ComboBox

    An input box that can provide several options

  • Spinner

    Spinners visually communicate that something is processing

  • Tooltip

    A tooltip that can display additional information


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    text: str = "",
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Text widget, generally used to display plain text

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the text of the widget

  • set

    Set the text of the widget


get() -> str

Get the text of the widget


set(text: str) -> None

Set the text of the widget


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Image widget, generally used to display normal still image

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the image of the widget

  • set

    Set the image of the widget


Get the image of the widget


set(image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None) -> None

Set the image of the widget


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    text: str = "",
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Label widget, which is generally used to display key information

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the text of the widget

  • set

    Set the text of the widget


get() -> str

Get the text of the widget


set(text: str) -> None

Set the text of the widget


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    text: str = "",
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    command: collections.abc.Callable | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Button widget, typically used to trigger a function

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • command: a function that is triggered when the button is pressed
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the text of the widget

  • set

    Set the text of the widget


get() -> str

Get the text of the widget


set(text: str) -> None

Set the text of the widget


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    length: int = 60,
    default: bool | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[bool], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Switch widget, typically used to control the turning of a function on and off

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • length: length of the widget
  • default: default value of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the switch is changed
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the state of the switch

  • set

    Set the state of the switch


get() -> bool

Get the state of the switch


set(value: bool, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Set the state of the switch


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    align: typing.Literal["left", "right", "center"] = "left",
    placeholder: str = "",
    show: str | None = None,
    ignore: tuple[str, ...] = ("\n", "\r"),
    limit: int = math.inf,
    limit_width: int = 0,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Input box widget, generally used to enter certain information on a single line

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • align: align mode of the text
  • show: display a value that obscures the original content
  • ignore: ignore the input of some characters
  • placeholder: a placeholder for the prompt
  • limit: limit on the number of characters
  • limit_width: limit on the width of characters
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the value of the Entry

  • set

    Set the text value of the Entry

  • insert


  • append

    Append text to Entry

  • remove


  • pop

    Delete a specified amount of text

  • clear

    Clear the text value of the Entry


get() -> str

Get the value of the Entry


set(value: str) -> bool

Set the text value of the Entry


insert(index: int, value: str) -> bool



append(value: str) -> bool

Append text to Entry


remove(start: int, end: int | None = None) -> int



pop(index: int = -1) -> str

Delete a specified amount of text


clear() -> None

Clear the text value of the Entry


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    length: int = 30,
    default: bool | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[bool], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Checkbox button widget, generally used to check some options

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • length: length of the widget
  • default: default state of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the state of check button is on
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the state of the check button

  • set

    Set the state of the check button


get() -> bool

Get the state of the check button


set(value: bool, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Set the state of the check button


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    text: str = "",
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    default: bool | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[bool], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

A button that can display information and switch statuses

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • default: default state of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the state of check button is on
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the state of the check button

  • set

    Set the state of the switch


get() -> bool

Get the state of the check button


set(value: bool, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Set the state of the switch


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    length: int = 30,
    default: bool | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[int], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Radio button widget, generally used to select one of several options

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • length: length of the widget
  • default: default state of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the state of radio button is on
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the state of the radio button

  • set

    Set the state of the radio button

  • group

    Combine other radio boxes.


get() -> bool

Get the state of the radio button


set(value: bool, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Set the state of the radio button


group(*radio_boxes: RadioBox) -> None

Combine other radio boxes.

  • radio_boxes: other radio boxes


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] = (400, 20),
    default: float | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[float], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Progress bar widget, typically used to show the progress of an event

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • default: default value of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the progress of progress bar is 100%
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the progress of the progress bar

  • set

    Set the progress of the progress bar


get() -> float

Get the progress of the progress bar


set(value: float, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Set the progress of the progress bar


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    text: str = "",
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    command: collections.abc.Callable | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool = False,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Underline button, generally used to display web links

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • command: a function that is triggered when the underline button is pressed
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    text: str = "",
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    command: collections.abc.Callable | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Highlight button, no outline, which added a highlight effect

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • command: a function that is triggered when the hightlight button is pressed
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    text: str = "",
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    command: collections.abc.Callable | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

A button with an icon on the left side

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • command: a function that is triggered when the button is pressed
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the text of the widget

  • set

    Set the text of the widget


get() -> str

Get the text of the widget


set(text: str) -> None

Set the text of the widget


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] = (400, 30),
    default: float | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[float], typing.Any] | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

A slider for visually resizing values

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • default: default value of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the button is pressed
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the value of the slider

  • set

    Set the value of the slider


get() -> float

Get the value of the slider


set(value: float, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Set the value of the slider


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    sizes: tuple[tuple[int, int], ...] = (),
    text: tuple[str, ...] = (),
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    default: int | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[int | None], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: tuple[enhanced.PhotoImage | None, ...] = (),
    layout: typing.Literal["horizontal", "vertical"] = "horizontal",
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

A segmented button that can be used to toggle between multiple states

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • default: default value of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the button is pressed
  • image: image of the widget
  • layout: layout mode of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the index of the child toggle button with a value of True. If not, None is

  • set

    Activate the child toggle button for the specified index


get() -> int | None

Get the index of the child toggle button with a value of True. If not, None is returned.


set(value: int | None, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Activate the child toggle button for the specified index


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    format_spec: str = "d",
    step: int = 1,
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    align: typing.Literal["left", "right", "center"] = "left",
    placeholder: str = "",
    show: str | None = None,
    limit: int = math.inf,
    default: str | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[bool], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

A widget that makes it easy to enter numeric type data

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • format_spec: format of value
  • step: value of each change
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • align: align mode of the text
  • show: display a value that obscures the original content
  • placeholder: a placeholder for the prompt
  • limit: limit on the number of characters
  • default: default value of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the button is pressed
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • change

    Try change the current value

  • get

    Get the value of the Entry

  • set

    Set the text value of the Entry

  • append

    Append text to Entry

  • delete

    Delete a specified amount of text

  • clear

    Clear the text value of the Entry


change(up: bool) -> None

Try change the current value


get() -> str

Get the value of the Entry


set(value: str) -> None

Set the text value of the Entry


append(value: str) -> None

Append text to Entry


delete(count: int) -> None

Delete a specified amount of text


clear() -> None

Clear the text value of the Entry


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    text: tuple[str, ...] = (),
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    default: int | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[int | None], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: tuple[enhanced.PhotoImage | None, ...] = (),
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    align: typing.Literal["up", "center", "down"] = "center",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

A button that has many options to choose

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • default: default value of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the button is pressed
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • align: align of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the index of the child toggle button with a value of True. If not, None is

  • set

    Activate the child toggle button for the specified index


get() -> int | None

Get the index of the child toggle button with a value of True. If not, None is returned.


set(value: int | None, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Activate the child toggle button for the specified index


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    text: tuple[str, ...] = (),
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    default: int | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[int | None], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: tuple[enhanced.PhotoImage | None, ...] = (),
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    align: typing.Literal["up", "down"] = "down",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

An input box that can provide several options

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • default: default value of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the button is pressed
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • align: align of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the index of the child toggle button with a value of True. If not, None is

  • set

    Activate the child toggle button for the specified index


get() -> int | None

Get the index of the child toggle button with a value of True. If not, None is returned.


set(value: int | None, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Activate the child toggle button for the specified index


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] = (30, 30),
    default: float | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[float], typing.Any] | None = None,
    widths: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    mode: typing.Literal["determinate", "indeterminate"] = "determinate",
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Spinners visually communicate that something is processing

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • default: default value of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the progress of progress bar is 100%
  • widths: width of the outside ring and inside ring
  • mode: mode of the Spinner
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the progress of the Spinner

  • set

    Set the progress of the Spinner

  • destroy

    Destroy the widget


get() -> float

Get the progress of the Spinner


set(value: float, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Set the progress of the Spinner


destroy() -> None

Destroy the widget


    widget: virtual.Widget,
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    text: str = "",
    align: typing.Literal["up", "down", "right", "left", "center"] = "down",
    padding: int = 3,
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

A tooltip that can display additional information

  • widget: the associated widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • align: align mode of the tooltip
  • padding: extra padding between tooltip and the associated widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the text of the widget

  • set

    Set the text of the widget


get() -> str

Get the text of the widget


set(text: str) -> None

Set the text of the widget