字数 11 个 阅读时间不到 1 分钟 访问量
All standard things.
–All standard dialog classes
–All standard
classes -
–All standard
classes -
–All standard
classes -
–All standard
classes -
–All standard
classes -
–All standard
–Message pop-up
–Color chooser pop-up
–Font chooser pop-up
–Text widget, generally used to display plain text
–Image widget, generally used to display normal still image
–Label widget, which is generally used to display key information
–Button widget, typically used to trigger a function
–Switch widget, typically used to control the turning of a function on and off
–Input box widget, generally used to enter certain information on a single line
–Checkbox button widget, generally used to check some options
–A button that can display information and switch statuses
–Radio button widget, generally used to select one of several options
–Progress bar widget, typically used to show the progress of an event
–Underline button, generally used to display web links
–Highlight button, no outline, which added a highlight effect
–A button with an icon on the left side
–A slider for visually resizing values
–A segmented button that can be used to toggle between multiple states
–A widget that makes it easy to enter numeric type data
–A button that has many options to choose
–An input box that can provide several options
–Spinners visually communicate that something is processing
–A tooltip that can display additional information
TkMessage ¶
message: str | None = None,
detail: str | None = None,
title: str | None = None,
icon: typing.Literal["error", "info", "question", "warning"] = "info",
option: typing.Literal[
"abortretryignore", "ok", "okcancel", "retrycancel", "yesno", "yesnocancel"
] = "ok",
default: typing.Literal["abort", "retry", "ignore", "ok", "cancel", "yes", "no"] | None = None,
master: tkinter.Tk | None = None,
command: ([
[typing.Literal["abort", "retry", "ignore", "ok", "cancel", "yes", "no"]], typing.Any
| None
) = None
Message pop-up
: messagedetail
: detail messagetitle
: title of the windowicon
: iconoption
: type of the message pop-updefault
: button where the focus is, default is the leftmost onemaster
: parent widget of the windowcommand
: callback function
TkColorChooser ¶
title: str | None = None,
color: str | None = None,
master: tkinter.Tk | None = None,
command:[[str], typing.Any] | None = None
Color chooser pop-up
: title of the windowcolor
: default colormaster
: parent widget of the windowcommand
: callback function
TkFontChooser ¶
title: str | None = None,
font: str | None = None,
master: tkinter.Tk | None = None,
command:[[str], typing.Any] | None = None
Font chooser pop-up
: title of the windowfont
: default fontmaster
: parent widget of the windowcommand
: callback function
Text ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
text: str = "",
family: str | None = None,
fontsize: int | None = None,
weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
underline: bool = False,
overstrike: bool = False,
justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
Text widget, generally used to display plain text
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgettext
: text of the widgetfamily
: font familyfontsize
: font sizeweight
: weight of the textslant
: slant of the textunderline
: whether the text is underlineoverstrike
: whether the text is overstrikejustify
: justify mode of the textanchor
: anchor of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
Image ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
Image widget, generally used to display normal still image
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgetsize
: size of the widgetimage
: image of the widgetanchor
: anchor of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
Label ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
text: str = "",
family: str | None = None,
fontsize: int | None = None,
weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
underline: bool = False,
overstrike: bool = False,
justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
Label widget, which is generally used to display key information
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgetsize
: size of the widgettext
: text of the widgetfamily
: font familyfontsize
: font sizeweight
: weight of the textslant
: slant of the textunderline
: whether the text is underlineoverstrike
: whether the text is overstrikejustify
: justify mode of the textimage
: image of the widgetanchor
: anchor of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
Button ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
text: str = "",
family: str | None = None,
fontsize: int | None = None,
weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
underline: bool = False,
overstrike: bool = False,
justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
command: | None = None,
image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
Button widget, typically used to trigger a function
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgetsize
: size of the widgettext
: text of the widgetfamily
: font familyfontsize
: font sizeweight
: weight of the textslant
: slant of the textunderline
: whether the text is underlineoverstrike
: whether the text is overstrikejustify
: justify mode of the textcommand
: a function that is triggered when the button is pressedimage
: image of the widgetanchor
: anchor of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
Switch ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
length: int = 60,
default: bool | None = None,
command:[[bool], typing.Any] | None = None,
image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
Switch widget, typically used to control the turning of a function on and off
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgetlength
: length of the widgetdefault
: default value of the widgetcommand
: a function that is triggered when the switch is changedimage
: image of the widgetanchor
: anchor of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
InputBox ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
family: str | None = None,
fontsize: int | None = None,
weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
underline: bool = False,
overstrike: bool = False,
align: typing.Literal["left", "right", "center"] = "left",
placeholder: str = "",
show: str | None = None,
ignore: tuple[str, ...] = ("\n", "\r"),
limit: int = math.inf,
limit_width: int = 0,
image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
Input box widget, generally used to enter certain information on a single line
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgetsize
: size of the widgetfamily
: font familyfontsize
: font sizeweight
: weight of the textslant
: slant of the textunderline
: whether the text is underlineoverstrike
: whether the text is overstrikealign
: align mode of the textshow
: display a value that obscures the original contentignore
: ignore the input of some charactersplaceholder
: a placeholder for the promptlimit
: limit on the number of characterslimit_width
: limit on the width of charactersimage
: image of the widgetanchor
: anchor of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
–Get the value of the Entry
–Set the text value of the Entry
–Append text to Entry
–Delete a specified amount of text
–Clear the text value of the Entry
CheckBox ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
length: int = 30,
default: bool | None = None,
command:[[bool], typing.Any] | None = None,
image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
Checkbox button widget, generally used to check some options
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgetlength
: length of the widgetdefault
: default state of the widgetcommand
: a function that is triggered when the state of check button is onimage
: image of the widgetanchor
: anchor of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
ToggleButton ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
text: str = "",
family: str | None = None,
fontsize: int | None = None,
weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
underline: bool = False,
overstrike: bool = False,
justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
default: bool | None = None,
command:[[bool], typing.Any] | None = None,
image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
A button that can display information and switch statuses
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgetsize
: size of the widgettext
: text of the widgetfamily
: font familyfontsize
: font sizeweight
: weight of the textslant
: slant of the textunderline
: whether the text is underlineoverstrike
: whether the text is overstrikejustify
: justify mode of the textdefault
: default state of the widgetcommand
: a function that is triggered when the state of check button is onimage
: image of the widgetanchor
: anchor of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
RadioBox ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
length: int = 30,
default: bool | None = None,
command:[[int], typing.Any] | None = None,
image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
Radio button widget, generally used to select one of several options
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgetlength
: length of the widgetdefault
: default state of the widgetcommand
: a function that is triggered when the state of radio button is onimage
: image of the widgetanchor
: anchor of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
ProgressBar ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
size: tuple[int, int] = (400, 20),
default: float | None = None,
command:[[float], typing.Any] | None = None,
image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
Progress bar widget, typically used to show the progress of an event
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgetsize
: size of the widgetdefault
: default value of the widgetcommand
: a function that is triggered when the progress of progress bar is 100%image
: image of the widgetanchor
: anchor of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
UnderlineButton ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
text: str = "",
family: str | None = None,
fontsize: int | None = None,
weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
underline: bool = False,
overstrike: bool = False,
justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
command: | None = None,
image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool = False,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
Underline button, generally used to display web links
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgettext
: text of the widgetfamily
: font familyfontsize
: font sizeweight
: weight of the textslant
: slant of the textunderline
: whether the text is underlineoverstrike
: whether the text is overstrikejustify
: justify mode of the textcommand
: a function that is triggered when the underline button is pressedimage
: image of the widgetanchor
: anchor of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
HighlightButton ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
text: str = "",
family: str | None = None,
fontsize: int | None = None,
weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
underline: bool = False,
overstrike: bool = False,
justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
command: | None = None,
image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
Highlight button, no outline, which added a highlight effect
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgettext
: text of the widgetfamily
: font familyfontsize
: font sizeweight
: weight of the textslant
: slant of the textunderline
: whether the text is underlineoverstrike
: whether the text is overstrikejustify
: justify mode of the textcommand
: a function that is triggered when the hightlight button is pressedimage
: image of the widgetanchor
: anchor of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
IconButton ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
text: str = "",
family: str | None = None,
fontsize: int | None = None,
weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
underline: bool = False,
overstrike: bool = False,
justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
command: | None = None,
image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
A button with an icon on the left side
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgetsize
: size of the widgettext
: text of the widgetfamily
: font familyfontsize
: font sizeweight
: weight of the textslant
: slant of the textunderline
: whether the text is underlineoverstrike
: whether the text is overstrikejustify
: justify mode of the textcommand
: a function that is triggered when the button is pressedimage
: image of the widgetanchor
: anchor of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
Slider ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
size: tuple[int, int] = (400, 30),
default: float | None = None,
command:[[float], typing.Any] | None = None,
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
A slider for visually resizing values
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgetsize
: size of the widgetdefault
: default value of the widgetcommand
: a function that is triggered when the button is pressedanchor
: anchor of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
SegmentedButton ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
sizes: tuple[tuple[int, int], ...] = (),
text: tuple[str, ...] = (),
family: str | None = None,
fontsize: int | None = None,
weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
underline: bool = False,
overstrike: bool = False,
justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
default: int | None = None,
command:[[int | None], typing.Any] | None = None,
image: tuple[enhanced.PhotoImage | None, ...] = (),
layout: typing.Literal["horizontal", "vertical"] = "horizontal",
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
A segmented button that can be used to toggle between multiple states
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgetsize
: size of the widgettext
: text of the widgetfamily
: font familyfontsize
: font sizeweight
: weight of the textslant
: slant of the textunderline
: whether the text is underlineoverstrike
: whether the text is overstrikejustify
: justify mode of the textdefault
: default value of the widgetcommand
: a function that is triggered when the button is pressedimage
: image of the widgetlayout
: layout mode of the widgetanchor
: anchor of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
SpinBox ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
format_spec: str = "d",
step: int = 1,
family: str | None = None,
fontsize: int | None = None,
weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
underline: bool = False,
overstrike: bool = False,
align: typing.Literal["left", "right", "center"] = "left",
placeholder: str = "",
show: str | None = None,
limit: int = math.inf,
default: str | None = None,
command:[[bool], typing.Any] | None = None,
image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
A widget that makes it easy to enter numeric type data
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgetsize
: size of the widgetformat_spec
: format of valuestep
: value of each changefamily
: font familyfontsize
: font sizeweight
: weight of the textslant
: slant of the textunderline
: whether the text is underlineoverstrike
: whether the text is overstrikealign
: align mode of the textshow
: display a value that obscures the original contentplaceholder
: a placeholder for the promptlimit
: limit on the number of charactersdefault
: default value of the widgetcommand
: a function that is triggered when the button is pressedimage
: image of the widgetanchor
: anchor of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
–Try change the current value
–Get the value of the Entry
–Set the text value of the Entry
–Append text to Entry
–Delete a specified amount of text
–Clear the text value of the Entry
OptionButton ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
text: tuple[str, ...] = (),
family: str | None = None,
fontsize: int | None = None,
weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
underline: bool = False,
overstrike: bool = False,
justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
default: int | None = None,
command:[[int | None], typing.Any] | None = None,
image: tuple[enhanced.PhotoImage | None, ...] = (),
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
align: typing.Literal["up", "center", "down"] = "center",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
A button that has many options to choose
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgetsize
: size of the widgettext
: text of the widgetfamily
: font familyfontsize
: font sizeweight
: weight of the textslant
: slant of the textunderline
: whether the text is underlineoverstrike
: whether the text is overstrikejustify
: justify mode of the textdefault
: default value of the widgetcommand
: a function that is triggered when the button is pressedimage
: image of the widgetanchor
: anchor of the widgetalign
: align of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
ComboBox ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
text: tuple[str, ...] = (),
family: str | None = None,
fontsize: int | None = None,
weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
underline: bool = False,
overstrike: bool = False,
justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
default: int | None = None,
command:[[int | None], typing.Any] | None = None,
image: tuple[enhanced.PhotoImage | None, ...] = (),
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
align: typing.Literal["up", "down"] = "down",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
An input box that can provide several options
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgetsize
: size of the widgettext
: text of the widgetfamily
: font familyfontsize
: font sizeweight
: weight of the textslant
: slant of the textunderline
: whether the text is underlineoverstrike
: whether the text is overstrikejustify
: justify mode of the textdefault
: default value of the widgetcommand
: a function that is triggered when the button is pressedimage
: image of the widgetanchor
: anchor of the widgetalign
: align of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
Spinner ¶
master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
position: tuple[int, int],
size: tuple[int, int] = (30, 30),
default: float | None = None,
command:[[float], typing.Any] | None = None,
widths: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
mode: typing.Literal["determinate", "indeterminate"] = "determinate",
anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
capture_events: bool | None = None,
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
Spinners visually communicate that something is processing
: parent canvasposition
: position of the widgetsize
: size of the widgetdefault
: default value of the widgetcommand
: a function that is triggered when the progress of progress bar is 100%widths
: width of the outside ring and inside ringmode
: mode of the Spinneranchor
: anchor of the widgetcapture_events
: wether detect another widget under the widgetgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget
Tooltip ¶
widget: virtual.Widget,
size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
text: str = "",
align: typing.Literal["up", "down", "right", "left", "center"] = "down",
padding: int = 3,
family: str | None = None,
fontsize: int | None = None,
weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
underline: bool = False,
overstrike: bool = False,
justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
auto_update: bool | None = None,
style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None
A tooltip that can display additional information
: the associated widgetsize
: size of the widgettext
: text of the widgetalign
: align mode of the tooltippadding
: extra padding between tooltip and the associated widgetfamily
: font familyfontsize
: font sizeweight
: weight of the textslant
: slant of the textunderline
: whether the text is underlineoverstrike
: whether the text is overstrikejustify
: justify mode of the textgradient_animation
: wether enable gradient_animationauto_update
: whether the theme manager update it automaticallystyle
: style of the widget