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All virtual classes.

The virtual.Widget consists of five parts, which are Shape, Text, Image, Style and Feature. In addition, they can be nested within each other.

Where Feature is the function of widgets, Style control the color of the widget, and each widget can be bound to up to one Feature and one Style, but in terms of appearance, there is no limit to the number of Shape, Text, and Image.

Shape, Text, and Image are all appearance elements that inherit from abstract base class Elements.


  • Element

    The basic visible part of a virtual.Widget.

  • Shape

    The Shape of a Widget

  • Text

    The Text of a Widget.

  • Image

    The Image of a Widget.

  • Style

    The styles of a Widget.

  • Feature

    The features of a Widget.

  • Widget

    Base Widget Class.


    widget: Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0),
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    name: str | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,

Bases: abc.ABC

The basic visible part of a virtual.Widget.

  • widget: parent widget
  • position: position relative to its widgets
  • size: size of element
  • name: name of element
  • gradient_animation: Wether use animation to change color
  • kwargs: extra parameters for CanvasItem


  • move

    Move the Element.

  • moveto

    Move the Element to a certain position.

  • destroy

    Destroy the Element.

  • center

    Return the geometric center of the Element.

  • region

    Return the decision region of the Element.

  • detect

    Detect whether the specified coordinates are within Element.

  • update

    Update the style of the Element to the corresponding state.

  • configure

    Configure properties of Element and update them immediately.

  • forget

    Let the element to forget.

  • zoom

    Zoom the Element.

  • display

    Display the Element on a Canvas.

  • coords

    Resize the Element.


move(dx: float, dy: float) -> None

Move the Element.

  • dx: x-coordinate offset
  • dy: y-coordinate offset


moveto(x: float, y: float) -> None

Move the Element to a certain position.

  • x: x-coordinate of the target location
  • y: y-coordinate of the target location


destroy() -> None

Destroy the Element.


center() -> tuple[float, float]

Return the geometric center of the Element.


region() -> tuple[int, int, int, int]

Return the decision region of the Element.


detect(x: float, y: float) -> bool

Detect whether the specified coordinates are within Element.

  • x: x-coordinate of the location to be detected
  • y: y-coordinate of the location to be detected


update(state: str | None = None, *, gradient_animation: bool = False) -> None

Update the style of the Element to the corresponding state.

  • state: the state of the Element
  • gradient_animation: whether use gradient animation


configure(style: dict[str, str], *, gradient_animation: bool = True) -> None

Configure properties of Element and update them immediately.

  • style: style data
  • gradient_animation: whether use gradient animation


forget(value: bool = True, *, gradient_animation: bool = False) -> None

Let the element to forget.

  • value: whether to forget
  • gradient_animation: whether use gradient animation


zoom(ratios: tuple[float, float], *, zoom_position: bool = True, zoom_size: bool = True) -> None

Zoom the Element.

  • ratios: ratios of zooming
  • zoom_position: whether or not to zoom the location of the element
  • zoom_size: whether or not to zoom the size of the element

display abstractmethod

display() -> None

Display the Element on a Canvas.

coords abstractmethod

    size: tuple[float, float] | None = None, position: tuple[float, float] | None = None
) -> None

Resize the Element.

  • size: new size of the element
  • position: new position of the element


    widget: Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0),
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    name: str | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,

Bases: Element

The Shape of a Widget


  • zoom

    Scale the shape.


zoom(ratios: tuple[float, float], *, zoom_position: bool = True, zoom_size: bool = True) -> None

Scale the shape.

  • ratios: ratios of zooming
  • zoom_position: whether or not to zoom the location of the shape
  • zoom_size: whether or not to zoom the size of the shape


    widget: Widget,
    relative_position: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0),
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    text: str = "",
    limit: int = -1,
    show: str | None = None,
    placeholder: str = "",
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    name: str | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool = True,

Bases: Element

The Text of a Widget.

  • widget: parent widget
  • relative_position: position relative to its widgets
  • size: size of element
  • text: text value
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the font
  • slant: slant of the font
  • underline: wether text is underline
  • overstrike: wether text is overstrike
  • limit: limit on the number of characters
  • show: display a value that obscures the original content
  • placeholder: a placeholder for the prompt
  • name: name of element
  • gradient_animation: Wether use animation to change color
  • kwargs: extra parameters for CanvasItem


  • region

    Return the decision region of the Text.

  • zoom

    Scale the text.


region() -> tuple[int, int, int, int]

Return the decision region of the Text.


zoom(ratios: tuple[float, float], *, zoom_position: bool = True, zoom_size: bool = True) -> None

Scale the text.

  • ratios: ratios of zooming
  • zoom_position: whether or not to zoom the location of the text
  • zoom_size: whether or not to zoom the size of the text


    widget: Widget,
    relative_position: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0),
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    name: str | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool = True,

Bases: Element

The Image of a Widget.

  • widget: parent widget
  • relative_position: position relative to its widgets
  • size: size of element
  • image: image object of the element
  • name: name of element
  • gradient_animation: Wether use animation to change color
  • kwargs: extra parameters for CanvasItem


  • region

    Return the decision region of the Image.

  • zoom

    Scale the image.


region() -> tuple[int, int, int, int]

Return the decision region of the Image.


zoom(ratios: tuple[float, float], *, zoom_position: bool = True, zoom_size: bool = True) -> None

Scale the image.

  • ratios: ratios of zooming
  • zoom_position: whether or not to zoom the location of the image
  • zoom_size: whether or not to zoom the size of the image


Style(widget: Widget, *, auto_update: bool | None = None)

The styles of a Widget.

  • widget: parent widget
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically


  • get_disabled_style

    Get the style data of disabled state.

  • init

    Initialize some style of an element.

  • get

    Return the style of the widget.

  • reset

    Reset the style of the widget and update.

  • set

    Set the style of the widget.


get_disabled_style(*, element: Element) -> dict[str, str]

Get the style data of disabled state.

  • element: element that style to be calculated


init(key: Element | str | int, *, theme: typing.Literal['light', 'dark'] | None = None) -> None

Initialize some style of an element.

  • name: the key of the element
  • theme: the theme name, None indicates both


    *, theme: typing.Literal["light", "dark"] | None = None
) -> dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, str]]]

Return the style of the widget.

  • theme: the theme of the widget, None indicates the current theme


reset(*, theme: typing.Literal['light', 'dark'] | None = None) -> None

Reset the style of the widget and update.

  • theme: the theme to be reset, None indicates both


set() -> None

Set the style of the widget.


Feature(widget: Widget)

The features of a Widget.

  • widget: parent widget



get_method(name: str) -> collections.abc.Callable

Return method by name.

  • name: name of the method


    master: containers.Canvas | Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0),
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "s", "w", "e", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[Style] | None = None

Base Widget Class.

Widget = Element + Style + Feature

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • anchor: layout anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • register_elements

    Register elements to the widget.

  • deregister_elements

    Deregister a element from the widget.

  • update

    Update the widget.

  • bind_on_update

    Bind an extra function to the widget on update.

  • unbind_on_update

    Unbind an extra function to the widget on update.

  • bind

    Bind to this widget at event sequence a call to function command.

  • unbind

    Unbind for this widget the event sequence.

  • generate_event

    Generate an event sequence. Additional keyword arguments specify

  • disable

    Disable the widget.

  • forget

    Let all elements of the widget to forget.

  • move

    Move the widget.

  • moveto

    Move the Widget to a certain position.

  • destroy

    Destroy the widget.

  • detect

    Detect whether the specified coordinates are within the Widget.

  • zoom

    Zoom widget ifself.


elements property

elements: tuple[Element, ...]

Return all elements of the widget.

nested property

nested: bool

Whether the widget is a nested widget.

offset property

offset: tuple[float, float]

Return the offset of the anchor relative to “nw”.


register_elements(*elements: Element) -> None

Register elements to the widget.

  • elements: elements to be registered


deregister_elements(*elements: Element) -> None

Deregister a element from the widget.

  • elements: elements to be deregistered


    state: str | None = None, *, gradient_animation: bool | None = None, nested: bool = True
) -> None

Update the widget.

  • state: state of the widget
  • gradient_animation: whether use gradient animation
  • nested: whether nested


bind_on_update(command: collections.abc.Callable[[str, bool], typing.Any]) -> None

Bind an extra function to the widget on update.

This extra function has two positional arguments, both of which are arguments to the method update. And this extra function will be called when the widget is updated (whether it’s automatically updated or manually updated).

  • command: the extra function that is bound


unbind_on_update(command: collections.abc.Callable[[str, bool], typing.Any]) -> None

Unbind an extra function to the widget on update.

  • command: the extra function that is bound


    sequence: str,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[tkinter.Event], typing.Any],
    add: bool | typing.Literal["", "+"] | None = None,
    auto_detect: bool = True
) -> None

Bind to this widget at event sequence a call to function command.

  • sequence: event name
  • command: callback function
  • add: if True, original callback function will not be overwritten
  • auto_detect: Automatically determine whether to execute binding events based on the method detect


unbind(sequence: str, command: collections.abc.Callable[[tkinter.Event], typing.Any]) -> None

Unbind for this widget the event sequence.

  • sequence: event name
  • command: callback function


generate_event(sequence: str, event: tkinter.Event | None = None, **kwargs) -> None

Generate an event sequence. Additional keyword arguments specify parameter of the event.

  • sequence: event name
  • event: event
  • kwargs: attr of event


disable(value: bool = True) -> None

Disable the widget.

  • value: whether to disable


forget(value: bool = True) -> None

Let all elements of the widget to forget.

  • value: whether to forget the widget


move(dx: float, dy: float) -> None

Move the widget.

  • dx: x-coordinate offset
  • dy: y-coordinate offset


moveto(x: float, y: float) -> None

Move the Widget to a certain position.

  • x: x-coordinate of the target location
  • y: y-coordinate of the target location


destroy() -> None

Destroy the widget.


detect(x: float, y: float) -> bool

Detect whether the specified coordinates are within the Widget.

  • x: x-coordinate of the location to be detected
  • y: y-coordinate of the location to be detected


    ratios: tuple[float, float] | None = None, *, zoom_position: bool = True, zoom_size: bool = True
) -> None

Zoom widget ifself.

  • ratios: ratios of zooming
  • zoom_position: whether or not to zoom the location of the widget
  • zoom_size: whether or not to zoom the size of the widget