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A lightweight UI framework based on tkinter with all UI drawn in Canvas.

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Stars Forks Watchers


  • animation

    A subpackage that provides animation-related features.

  • color

    A subpackage that provides color-related features.

  • core

    The core code, you can see the general framework here.

  • media

    Extension package of maliang to play media files

  • mpl

    Extension package of maliang for matplotlib

  • standard

    All standard things.

  • theme

    A subpackage that provides theme-related features.

  • three

    Extension package of maliang for simple 3D drawings

  • toolbox

    Some practical tools


  • Env

    Configurations for default environment values.

  • Font

    Configurations for default font.

  • Constant

    All Constants.

  • Tk

    Main window.

  • Toplevel

    Toplevel window.

  • Canvas

    Main contrainer: Canvas.

  • TkMessage

    Message pop-up

  • TkColorChooser

    Color chooser pop-up

  • TkFontChooser

    Font chooser pop-up

  • Text

    Text widget, generally used to display plain text

  • Image

    Image widget, generally used to display normal still image

  • Label

    Label widget, which is generally used to display key information

  • Button

    Button widget, typically used to trigger a function

  • Switch

    Switch widget, typically used to control the turning of a function on and off

  • InputBox

    Input box widget, generally used to enter certain information on a single line

  • CheckBox

    Checkbox button widget, generally used to check some options

  • ToggleButton

    A button that can display information and switch statuses

  • RadioBox

    Radio button widget, generally used to select one of several options

  • ProgressBar

    Progress bar widget, typically used to show the progress of an event

  • UnderlineButton

    Underline button, generally used to display web links

  • HighlightButton

    Highlight button, no outline, which added a highlight effect

  • IconButton

    A button with an icon on the left side

  • Slider

    A slider for visually resizing values

  • SegmentedButton

    A segmented button that can be used to toggle between multiple states

  • SpinBox

    A widget that makes it easy to enter numeric type data

  • OptionButton

    A button that has many options to choose

  • ComboBox

    An input box that can provide several options

  • Spinner

    Spinners visually communicate that something is processing

  • Tooltip

    A tooltip that can display additional information

  • PhotoImage

    Pillow version of tkinter.PhotoImage.


  • reset

    Reset all configuration options.


Configurations for default environment values.


reset classmethod

reset() -> None

Reset all configuration options.

get_default_system staticmethod

get_default_system() -> str

Get the system of environment.


Configurations for default font.


reset classmethod

reset() -> None

Reset all configuration options.

get_default_family staticmethod

get_default_family() -> str

Get the default font family.


All Constants.


GOLDEN_RATIO class-attribute instance-attribute

GOLDEN_RATIO: typing.Final[float] = math.sqrt(5) - 1 / 2

The golden ratio, which is needed to automatically calculate the color of widget on "disabled" state. It is READ-ONLY.

PREDEFINED_EVENTS class-attribute instance-attribute

PREDEFINED_EVENTS: typing.Final[tuple[str, ...]] = (

Predefined events that can be used directly without registration. It is READ-ONLY.

PREDEFINED_VIRTUAL_EVENTS class-attribute instance-attribute

PREDEFINED_VIRTUAL_EVENTS: typing.Final[tuple[str, ...]] = (

Predefined virtual events that can be used directly without registration. It is READ-ONLY.


    size: tuple[int, int] = (1280, 720),
    position: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    title: str | None = None,
    icon: str | enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,

Bases: tkinter.Tk, Misc

Main window.

In general, there is only one main window. But after destroying it, another one can be created.

  • size: size of the window
  • position: position of the window, based on the upper left (nw) corner. And negative numbers are based on the bottom right (se) corner.
  • title: title of the window, default value is "tk"
  • icon: icon of the window, default value is the icon of tk
  • **kwargs: compatible with other parameters of class tkinter.Tk


  • theme

    Change the color theme of the window

  • geometry

    Change the size and position of the window and return the current

  • center

    Center the container

  • icon

    Set the icon of the window.

  • alpha

    Set or get the transparency of the window

  • topmost

    Set or get whether the window is pinned or not

  • fullscreen

    Set or get whether the window is full-screen.

  • toolwindow

    Set or get whether the window is tool-window.

  • transparentcolor

    Set or get the penetration color of the window.

  • modified

    Set or get whether the window is modified.

  • transparent

    Set or get whether the window is transparent.

  • destroy

    Destroy this and all descendants widgets.

  • at_exit

    Set a function that will be called when the window is closed.


ratios cached property

ratios: tuple[float, float]

Return the aspect zoom ratio of the container.


    value: typing.Literal["light", "dark"],
    include_children: bool = True,
    include_canvases: bool = True
) -> None

Change the color theme of the window

  • value: theme name
  • include_children: wether include its children, like Toplevel
  • include_canvases: wether include its canvases


    *, size: tuple[int, int] | None = None, position: tuple[int, int] | None = None
) -> tuple[int, int, int, int] | None

Change the size and position of the window and return the current size and position of the window.

  • size: the size of the window, if it is None, does not change anything
  • position: the position of the window, if it is None, does not change anything

If you want to use tkinter.Tk.geometry, please use tkinter.Tk.wm_geometry instead.


center(*, refer: tkinter.Misc | None = None) -> None

Center the container

refer: The area of the reference widget, if it is None, means that the reference area is the entire screen.


icon(value: str | enhanced.PhotoImage) -> None

Set the icon of the window.

  • value: the icon


alpha(value: float | None = None) -> float | None

Set or get the transparency of the window

  • value: the transparency of the window, range is 0~1


topmost(value: bool | None = True) -> bool | None

Set or get whether the window is pinned or not

  • value: indicate whether the window is topmost


fullscreen(value: bool | None = True) -> bool | None

Set or get whether the window is full-screen.

  • value: indicate whether the window is full-screen

The method should be called at the end of the code, or after some time after the program has started.


toolwindow(value: bool | None = True) -> bool | None

Set or get whether the window is tool-window.

  • value: indicate whether the window is tool-window

This method only works on Windows!


transparentcolor(value: str | None = None) -> str | None

Set or get the penetration color of the window.

  • value: the penetration color of the window

This method only works on Windows!


modified(value: bool | None = None) -> bool | None

Set or get whether the window is modified.

  • value: indicate whether the window is modified

This method only works on macOS!


transparent(value: bool | None = None) -> bool | None

Set or get whether the window is transparent.

  • value: indicate whether the window is transparent

This method only works on macOS!


destroy() -> None

Destroy this and all descendants widgets.


at_exit(command: collections.abc.Callable[[], typing.Any], *, ensure_destroy: bool = True) -> None

Set a function that will be called when the window is closed.

  • command: the function that was called
  • ensure_destroy: whether the window is guaranteed to be closed


    master: Tk | Toplevel | None = None,
    size: tuple[int, int] = (960, 540),
    position: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    title: str | None = None,
    icon: str | enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    grab: bool = False,
    focus: bool = True,

Bases: tkinter.Toplevel, Tk, Misc

Toplevel window.

It can be used as a pop-up window, or it can be customized to put anything you want to show.

  • master: parent widget
  • size: size of the window, default value is 960x540(px)
  • position: position of the window, default value indicates random
  • title: title of window, default is the same as title of master
  • icon: icon of the window, default is the same as title of master
  • grab: set grab for this window
  • focus: whether direct input focus to this window
  • **kwargs: compatible with other parameters of class tkinter.Toplevel


  • destroy

    Destroy this and all descendants widgets.


destroy() -> None

Destroy this and all descendants widgets.


    master: Tk | Toplevel | Canvas | None = None,
    expand: typing.Literal["", "x", "y", "xy"] = "xy",
    auto_zoom: bool = False,
    keep_ratio: typing.Literal["min", "max"] | None = None,
    free_anchor: bool = False,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    zoom_all_items: bool = False,

Bases: tkinter.Canvas, Misc

Main contrainer: Canvas.

The parent widget of all virtual widgets is Canvas.

  • master: parent widget
  • expand: the mode of expand, x is horizontal, and y is vertical
  • auto_zoom: whether or not to scale its items automatically
  • keep_ratio: the mode of aspect ratio, min follows the minimum value, max follows the maximum value
  • free_anchor: whether the anchor point is free-floating
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • zoom_all_items: (Experimental) whether or not to scale its all items
  • kwargs: compatible with other parameters of class tkinter.Canvas


  • theme

    Change the color theme of the Canvas and its items

  • zoom

    Resize and position the Canvas based on the relevant parameters.

  • destroy

    Destroy this and all descendants widgets.

  • clear

    Clear all things in the Canvas.

  • create_text

    Create text with coordinates x, y.

  • on_motion

    Events to move the mouse

  • on_click

    Events to active the mouse

  • on_release

    Events to release the mouse

  • on_wheel

    Events to scroll the mouse wheel

  • on_key_press

    Events for typing

  • on_key_release

    Events for typing

  • register_event

    Register a event to process.


ratios cached property

ratios: tuple[float, float]

Return the aspect zoom ratio of the widget.


theme(value: typing.Literal['light', 'dark']) -> None

Change the color theme of the Canvas and its items

  • value: theme name


zoom() -> None

Resize and position the Canvas based on the relevant parameters.

This method only works for Canvas with Place layout.


destroy() -> None

Destroy this and all descendants widgets.


clear() -> None

Clear all things in the Canvas.


create_text(x: float, y: float, /, *args, **kwargs) -> int

Create text with coordinates x, y.


on_motion(event: tkinter.Event, name: str) -> None

Events to move the mouse


on_click(event: tkinter.Event, name: str) -> None

Events to active the mouse


on_release(event: tkinter.Event, name: str) -> None

Events to release the mouse


on_wheel(event: tkinter.Event, type_: bool | None) -> None

Events to scroll the mouse wheel


on_key_press(event: tkinter.Event) -> None

Events for typing


on_key_release(event: tkinter.Event) -> None

Events for typing


register_event(name: str, *, add: bool | typing.Literal['', '+'] | None = None) -> str

Register a event to process.

  • name: event name, such as “
  • add: whether it is an attached call

In general, you don’t need to call this method, but when the event to be bound is not in the predefined event, you need to manually call the method once.


    message: str | None = None,
    detail: str | None = None,
    title: str | None = None,
    icon: typing.Literal["error", "info", "question", "warning"] = "info",
    option: typing.Literal[
        "abortretryignore", "ok", "okcancel", "retrycancel", "yesno", "yesnocancel"
    ] = "ok",
    default: typing.Literal["abort", "retry", "ignore", "ok", "cancel", "yes", "no"] | None = None,
    master: tkinter.Tk | None = None,
    command: (
            [typing.Literal["abort", "retry", "ignore", "ok", "cancel", "yes", "no"]], typing.Any
        | None
    ) = None

Message pop-up

  • message: message
  • detail: detail message
  • title: title of the window
  • icon: icon
  • option: type of the message pop-up
  • default: button where the focus is, default is the leftmost one
  • master: parent widget of the window
  • command: callback function


    title: str | None = None,
    color: str | None = None,
    master: tkinter.Tk | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[str], typing.Any] | None = None

Color chooser pop-up

  • title: title of the window
  • color: default color
  • master: parent widget of the window
  • command: callback function


    title: str | None = None,
    font: str | None = None,
    master: tkinter.Tk | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[str], typing.Any] | None = None

Font chooser pop-up

  • title: title of the window
  • font: default font
  • master: parent widget of the window
  • command: callback function


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    text: str = "",
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Text widget, generally used to display plain text

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the text of the widget

  • set

    Set the text of the widget


get() -> str

Get the text of the widget


set(text: str) -> None

Set the text of the widget


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Image widget, generally used to display normal still image

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the image of the widget

  • set

    Set the image of the widget


Get the image of the widget


set(image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None) -> None

Set the image of the widget


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    text: str = "",
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Label widget, which is generally used to display key information

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the text of the widget

  • set

    Set the text of the widget


get() -> str

Get the text of the widget


set(text: str) -> None

Set the text of the widget


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    text: str = "",
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    command: collections.abc.Callable | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Button widget, typically used to trigger a function

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • command: a function that is triggered when the button is pressed
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the text of the widget

  • set

    Set the text of the widget


get() -> str

Get the text of the widget


set(text: str) -> None

Set the text of the widget


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    length: int = 60,
    default: bool | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[bool], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Switch widget, typically used to control the turning of a function on and off

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • length: length of the widget
  • default: default value of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the switch is changed
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the state of the switch

  • set

    Set the state of the switch


get() -> bool

Get the state of the switch


set(value: bool, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Set the state of the switch


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    align: typing.Literal["left", "right", "center"] = "left",
    placeholder: str = "",
    show: str | None = None,
    ignore: tuple[str, ...] = ("\n", "\r"),
    limit: int = math.inf,
    limit_width: int = 0,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Input box widget, generally used to enter certain information on a single line

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • align: align mode of the text
  • show: display a value that obscures the original content
  • ignore: ignore the input of some characters
  • placeholder: a placeholder for the prompt
  • limit: limit on the number of characters
  • limit_width: limit on the width of characters
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the value of the Entry

  • set

    Set the text value of the Entry

  • insert


  • append

    Append text to Entry

  • remove


  • pop

    Delete a specified amount of text

  • clear

    Clear the text value of the Entry


get() -> str

Get the value of the Entry


set(value: str) -> bool

Set the text value of the Entry


insert(index: int, value: str) -> bool



append(value: str) -> bool

Append text to Entry


remove(start: int, end: int | None = None) -> int



pop(index: int = -1) -> str

Delete a specified amount of text


clear() -> None

Clear the text value of the Entry


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    length: int = 30,
    default: bool | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[bool], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Checkbox button widget, generally used to check some options

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • length: length of the widget
  • default: default state of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the state of check button is on
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the state of the check button

  • set

    Set the state of the check button


get() -> bool

Get the state of the check button


set(value: bool, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Set the state of the check button


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    text: str = "",
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    default: bool | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[bool], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

A button that can display information and switch statuses

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • default: default state of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the state of check button is on
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the state of the check button

  • set

    Set the state of the switch


get() -> bool

Get the state of the check button


set(value: bool, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Set the state of the switch


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    length: int = 30,
    default: bool | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[int], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Radio button widget, generally used to select one of several options

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • length: length of the widget
  • default: default state of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the state of radio button is on
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the state of the radio button

  • set

    Set the state of the radio button

  • group

    Combine other radio boxes.


get() -> bool

Get the state of the radio button


set(value: bool, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Set the state of the radio button


group(*radio_boxes: RadioBox) -> None

Combine other radio boxes.

  • radio_boxes: other radio boxes


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] = (400, 20),
    default: float | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[float], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Progress bar widget, typically used to show the progress of an event

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • default: default value of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the progress of progress bar is 100%
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the progress of the progress bar

  • set

    Set the progress of the progress bar


get() -> float

Get the progress of the progress bar


set(value: float, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Set the progress of the progress bar


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    text: str = "",
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    command: collections.abc.Callable | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool = False,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Underline button, generally used to display web links

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • command: a function that is triggered when the underline button is pressed
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    text: str = "",
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    command: collections.abc.Callable | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Highlight button, no outline, which added a highlight effect

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • command: a function that is triggered when the hightlight button is pressed
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    text: str = "",
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    command: collections.abc.Callable | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

A button with an icon on the left side

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • command: a function that is triggered when the button is pressed
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the text of the widget

  • set

    Set the text of the widget


get() -> str

Get the text of the widget


set(text: str) -> None

Set the text of the widget


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] = (400, 30),
    default: float | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[float], typing.Any] | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

A slider for visually resizing values

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • default: default value of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the button is pressed
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the value of the slider

  • set

    Set the value of the slider


get() -> float

Get the value of the slider


set(value: float, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Set the value of the slider


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    sizes: tuple[tuple[int, int], ...] = (),
    text: tuple[str, ...] = (),
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    default: int | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[int | None], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: tuple[enhanced.PhotoImage | None, ...] = (),
    layout: typing.Literal["horizontal", "vertical"] = "horizontal",
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

A segmented button that can be used to toggle between multiple states

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • default: default value of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the button is pressed
  • image: image of the widget
  • layout: layout mode of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the index of the child toggle button with a value of True. If not, None is

  • set

    Activate the child toggle button for the specified index


get() -> int | None

Get the index of the child toggle button with a value of True. If not, None is returned.


set(value: int | None, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Activate the child toggle button for the specified index


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    format_spec: str = "d",
    step: int = 1,
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    align: typing.Literal["left", "right", "center"] = "left",
    placeholder: str = "",
    show: str | None = None,
    limit: int = math.inf,
    default: str | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[bool], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: enhanced.PhotoImage | None = None,
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

A widget that makes it easy to enter numeric type data

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • format_spec: format of value
  • step: value of each change
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • align: align mode of the text
  • show: display a value that obscures the original content
  • placeholder: a placeholder for the prompt
  • limit: limit on the number of characters
  • default: default value of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the button is pressed
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • change

    Try change the current value

  • get

    Get the value of the Entry

  • set

    Set the text value of the Entry

  • append

    Append text to Entry

  • delete

    Delete a specified amount of text

  • clear

    Clear the text value of the Entry


change(up: bool) -> None

Try change the current value


get() -> str

Get the value of the Entry


set(value: str) -> None

Set the text value of the Entry


append(value: str) -> None

Append text to Entry


delete(count: int) -> None

Delete a specified amount of text


clear() -> None

Clear the text value of the Entry


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    text: tuple[str, ...] = (),
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    default: int | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[int | None], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: tuple[enhanced.PhotoImage | None, ...] = (),
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    align: typing.Literal["up", "center", "down"] = "center",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

A button that has many options to choose

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • default: default value of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the button is pressed
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • align: align of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the index of the child toggle button with a value of True. If not, None is

  • set

    Activate the child toggle button for the specified index


get() -> int | None

Get the index of the child toggle button with a value of True. If not, None is returned.


set(value: int | None, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Activate the child toggle button for the specified index


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    text: tuple[str, ...] = (),
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    default: int | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[int | None], typing.Any] | None = None,
    image: tuple[enhanced.PhotoImage | None, ...] = (),
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    align: typing.Literal["up", "down"] = "down",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

An input box that can provide several options

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • default: default value of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the button is pressed
  • image: image of the widget
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • align: align of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the index of the child toggle button with a value of True. If not, None is

  • set

    Activate the child toggle button for the specified index


get() -> int | None

Get the index of the child toggle button with a value of True. If not, None is returned.


set(value: int | None, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Activate the child toggle button for the specified index


    master: containers.Canvas | virtual.Widget,
    position: tuple[int, int],
    size: tuple[int, int] = (30, 30),
    default: float | None = None,
    command: collections.abc.Callable[[float], typing.Any] | None = None,
    widths: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    mode: typing.Literal["determinate", "indeterminate"] = "determinate",
    anchor: typing.Literal["n", "e", "w", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se", "center"] = "nw",
    capture_events: bool | None = None,
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

Spinners visually communicate that something is processing

  • master: parent canvas
  • position: position of the widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • default: default value of the widget
  • command: a function that is triggered when the progress of progress bar is 100%
  • widths: width of the outside ring and inside ring
  • mode: mode of the Spinner
  • anchor: anchor of the widget
  • capture_events: wether detect another widget under the widget
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the progress of the Spinner

  • set

    Set the progress of the Spinner

  • destroy

    Destroy the widget


get() -> float

Get the progress of the Spinner


set(value: float, *, callback: bool = False) -> None

Set the progress of the Spinner


destroy() -> None

Destroy the widget


    widget: virtual.Widget,
    size: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    text: str = "",
    align: typing.Literal["up", "down", "right", "left", "center"] = "down",
    padding: int = 3,
    family: str | None = None,
    fontsize: int | None = None,
    weight: typing.Literal["normal", "bold"] = "normal",
    slant: typing.Literal["roman", "italic"] = "roman",
    underline: bool = False,
    overstrike: bool = False,
    justify: typing.Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
    gradient_animation: bool | None = None,
    auto_update: bool | None = None,
    style: type[virtual.Style] | None = None

Bases: virtual.Widget

A tooltip that can display additional information

  • widget: the associated widget
  • size: size of the widget
  • text: text of the widget
  • align: align mode of the tooltip
  • padding: extra padding between tooltip and the associated widget
  • family: font family
  • fontsize: font size
  • weight: weight of the text
  • slant: slant of the text
  • underline: whether the text is underline
  • overstrike: whether the text is overstrike
  • justify: justify mode of the text
  • gradient_animation: wether enable gradient_animation
  • auto_update: whether the theme manager update it automatically
  • style: style of the widget


  • get

    Get the text of the widget

  • set

    Set the text of the widget


get() -> str

Get the text of the widget


set(text: str) -> None

Set the text of the widget


Bases: ImageTk.PhotoImage, tkinter.PhotoImage

Pillow version of tkinter.PhotoImage.


  • scale

    Scale the PhotoImage.

  • resize

    Resize the PhotoImage.


scale(x: float, y: float) -> PhotoImage

Scale the PhotoImage.

  • x: The x-axis scale factor
  • y: The y-axis scale factor


resize(width: int, height: int) -> PhotoImage

Resize the PhotoImage.

  • width: The new width of the image
  • height: The new height of the image


reset() -> None

Reset all configuration options.